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Mention your year and major.

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This page is where students typically complete Required Component 1. To learn more, visit the LeADERS ePortfolio GuideFor more information on the LeADERS ePortfolio process, support, and model student LeADERS ePortfolios, please visit the LeADERS Canvas.


You can change the color of the page by clicking on any blank white space. You will then see a bubble that says "Change Page Background." From there, select "Color" and choose any color that you like. For a professional ePortfolio, you want to ensure that the colors used on your ePortfolio are not too harsh on the eyes. 


When you are ready to share your site with others, you must ensure that you are using the proper link for sharing. Go to the Dashboard for your site. Click “Site Actions” then “View Live Site.” The live site link is what you will use for sharing your website. 



Be sure to remove the instructional language when you have completed updating content on this page.

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